Sunday, December 16, 2007

NESCRO & the 10CR

Well they are not related actually other than by my video skills.

Let me explain, as I said in my earlier post today I have been putting together some video for NESCRO.

That's the Northern England and Scotland Rally Organisers who offer a series of "entry level" events for anyone interested in driving rather than polishing their cars (A Club Triumph in joke I am afraid). I was asked to put some footage together from my competition in their events and send it off as a contribution to a promotional DVD they are making.

I am very pleased to do so - anything to spread the word. That's why I have just added them to a new links section on this blog; why not give it a go.

Which has reminded me, I have also finished the 10CR 2003 video so Tim, Doug, Graham,Mat, Andy,Sarah, Paul et al take a look!

So, another weekend over and back to work. More updates next weekend and over Christmas!

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