Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Re-roofing and a bit of decking

No, not a home make over programme!

Here's a pic of BRP with the sunroof removed.

The hole is now filled in with a sheet of metal and it looks pretty good - unfortuantely I didn't have my camera with me so I'll get some updates over Xmas.

It looks so much better tho with a full metal roof (as opposed to jacket!) - I really don't think FHCs look right with a sunroof.

Then we move onto the rear"deck" panel behind the rear screen. There's a certain amount of rust evident - trust me, it's much worse than this picture!

Still, progress is being made - excellent work by my brother, Malcolm who will then be painting the car in works colours for me.

It will look absolutely fabulous, darling

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